Hot! Hot! Hot! HUNGER’s high maintenance festival survival guide

The bare essentials
What are you even doing at a festival if you haven’t got at least a few of these stuffed in that rucksack that hasn’t seen the light of day since DofE? And for the love of God, pack suncream.
For the people who probably shouldn’t be going to a festival in the first place
In other words, for the maintenance girlies. Prune yourself to perfection (or as near as you can get) using these festival-ready bits and bobs from the beauty world.
Hangovers (and comedowns) be gone
Waking up in your muggy tent doesn’t have to come with a side-order of existential dread.
Staying hygienic (and something close to clean)
We get it — for some, the idea of not properly showering for a few days is up there with a heinous criminal act. If that’s you, add a few of these to your basket. And because we’re not absolute monsters, we’ve honed in some biodegradable options.
Festival fashion
Remove that Pretty Little Thing co-ord from your basket immediately.