Hot! Hot! Hot! Father’s day edition

The high maintenance Dad
Something of a renaissance man. Models himself after Stanley Tucci, and will spend the vast majority of the weekend listening to Radio 4, drinking Shiraz — even if doing so is detrimental to the entire family. Where’s Dad? He’s in his study listening to that “very droll” episode of Desert Island Discs again. Yes, the door is locked.
The “geezer” Dad
Pints and footy — a man of simple pleasures. The kind of Dad that the people behind father’s day cards were thinking about when they designed ones exclusively featuring jokes around farting.
The outdoorsy Dad
Forces you and your brother on a camping trip at least once a year. Insists it really is important that you both know how to start a fire and build a raft.
The “cool” Dad
Skated (for a bit) in the 90s, has a hefty collection of coffee table books, and likely (definitely) some facial hair. Wears a hat or a beanie like his life depends on it — like something awful might happen if it were to be taken off.
And for the absentee father? Just your therapy bill.