
HUNGER has been a place for the visually hungry since 2011, when it was founded by legendary British photographer Rankin.

Taking the form of a bi-annual magazine and dedicated online platform, HUNGER has always been a space for those with a real appetite for knowledge and a place for those who want change.

We have always prided ourselves on blending the high and low of culture; fashion, beauty, music, arts, alongside meaningful discussions about what it means to exist in today’s politically charged world. But HUNGER is also a place where you can take a well-deserved break — a leaf through our pages or website will introduce you to a plethora of up-and-coming talent, profiles on creatives who are really moving the needle in their respective fields, as well as insightful features on the latest pop culture trends. Dig in.

The Team


Commercial Director
Cherelle Chambers

Beauty & Fashion Director
Marco Antonio

Creative Producer
Jordan Rossi

Social & Content Editor
Melissa Spring All

Staff Writer
Chris Saunders

Staff Writer
Amber Rawlings

Hair Editor
Nick Irwin