Meet the photographer capturing the optimism of South America’s locals
Travelling through Central and South America, photographer Gaby Conn was struck by the pervasive positivity and contentedness in the locals she met along the way.

“In Mexico, there is a well-known saying ‘Si no hay pan, tortillas‘, which translates as ‘make the most of what you’ve got’ — something the locals there are profoundly good at,” Gaby Conn tells HUNGER about her latest photo series. “Travelling through Central and South America, I was struck by the widespread, unwavering sense of positivity and contentedness in the locals I met along the way, and this series seeks to capture both that spirit itself, and the motivations behind it. These photographs will forever be a reminder to me that the sun in the sky is the only disco ball we need, and life really is one great party.”

PhotographerGaby Conn