‘Brotherhood’ is paving the way for diverse models amongst fashion’s elite

Model James Corbin will never be silent about the lack of diverse models we see in magazines, on the runway and on billboards. Joining forces with photographer Alexander Beer, the pair endeavoured to conquer this lack of representation with their Brotherhood shoot for HUNGER Issue 29: Going Underground. It was a simple, yet complex mission to highlight “how amazing brands can look with plus sized models”, as Beer says, adding that “the door was closed twenty plus times by fashion editors”.
Thankfully, this is only the beginning for the creative duo’s mission to diversify fashion in the pages of magazines, as they have also been working on a documentary that further explores the lack of diversity. “We are living in an age where people are only now being less fatphobic” Corbin goes on, remaining optimistic that attitudes will continue to shift and we will begin to see more diverse models conquering the fashion world, thanks in part to the efforts of Corbin and Beer.