WTF happened on the internet this week?

A completely unconvincing Brad Pitt scam
The best thing circling the internet this week was a tale of idiocy and poor photo editing — a scammer, posing as actor Brad Pitt, managed to dupe a French woman out of over one million dollars. We’ll tread lightly here, as purportedly the woman is very embarrassed about what happened, but it is well worth checking out the photos, which render Pitt (very poorly) in a hospital bed. Our personal favourite? The one where he’s holding up a bit of paper saying “I love you Anne”. The whole thing has since become a kind of esoteric meme, put alongside tunes by Aphex Twin… I don’t know, you either get it or you don’t.
As one user on X put it best, “can you even fucking imagine how exciting this was for the scammer”.
Manchester got their very own prize twat
Us Southerners have got Thomas Straker. It was only a matter of time before Northerners had to get their token idiot of the food sphere, too. Introducing chef Sam Buckley, who went viral this week thanks to a cringe-inducing video of him promoting his pop-up burger restaurant in Manchester. What about that got people going? Not only do the burgers he’s harping on about look pretty standard, but he describes them as exploring “the notion of fast food in a social and historical context”… U wot? We’d actually make a case for using the phrase IRL. Nearing the end of a heavy night? It’s time to explore the notion of fast food.
Everyone weighed in on the Molly Mae documentary
Whether you think she’s dull and undeserving of her status, or someone who really has made the most out of the twenty-four hours in the day (IYKYK), the release of Molly Mae’s documentary, called Molly-Mae: Behind It All, was certainly met with hype. If you scrolled Instagram on the 17th you probably saw that not only were people on their ones “seated” for the TV event of the year, but quasi watching parties were being held… We might have watched it. We might have cried.
Someone parodied the Brewdog baldy (finally)
On last week’s edition of WTF happened on the internet, we banged on about a since-deleted video that Brewdog founder James Watt posted to his Instagram which advocated for “work-life integration”. This week, it appears Megamind is paying the price, with Instagram satirists @fixthiswindow offering up their pretty bang-on impression of him. Expect lots of rock and roll hand gestures as well as endless mentions of working on a North Atlantic fishing boat. Watt worked on one, yes. Didn’t know that? You might want to get your hearing checked.
Things got even worse in the realm of “sexfluencers”
In December, OnlyFans model Lily Phillips made headlines after taking part in a documentary which showed the BTS of her sleeping with one hundred men in a day. Just a few days ago, it was all about fellow OnlyFans creator Bonnie Blue upping that number to one thousand. While we’d like to say it stopped there, it what can only be described as symptomatic of the denigration of our society and the meaning sex holds within it, Lily Phillips has since announced her endeavour to take things that one step further with a “backdoor challenge” — you can probably guess what that entails. We’re planning a broader deep-dive into this rather startling facet of contemporary culture, so sit tight.
And our favourite tweet of the week? It’s got to be this one. RIP David Lynch and RIP Paul Danan — an unexpected heavenly duo for the ages.