Fresh perspectives — UP24 reveals emerging photography talent

The Unpublished Photo 2024 competition spotlights four young photographers, offering a glimpse into the evolving landscape of contemporary art photography.

In the ever-evolving world of visual storytelling, the Unpublished Photo (UP) competition continues to shine a spotlight on the next generation of photographic talent. The 2024 edition, hosted by the Fondazione culture e musei (FCM) and the Museo delle Culture di Lugano (MUSEC), has once again unearthed a treasure trove of emerging artists ready to challenge our perceptions.

This year’s contest drew over 200 young photographers from 35 countries, with a particularly strong showing from Iran, Italy, India, and Russia. The brief? Submit 10 images that sing in harmony, free in theme but united in vision. It’s no small feat, but these young artists rose to the challenge with gusto. After much deliberation (and probably a few espressos), the international jury, led by the distinguished Marco Bischof, selected four winners whose work will now grace both the walls of MUSEC and the pages of a sleek catalogue.

Taking the top spot is Amirhosein Esparham from Iran, whose series “Together, Alone” offers a poignant exploration of loneliness. Esparham’s masterful use of light transforms personal spaces into universal reflections on isolation – it’s Edward Hopper for the Instagram age, if you will.

Italy’s Gabriele D’Agostino claimed second place with “Cuore Nero-Metrò,” proving that sometimes the best camera is the one in your pocket. His mobile phone reportage of Milan’s metro system uncovers moments of humanity amidst the urban rush. Next time you’re crammed into a subway car, remember: you might be part of someone’s magnum opus.

At just 21, the UK’s Claudy Woods impressed the jury with “Every saint has a past,” a bold series of self-portraits reinterpreting religious iconography — as a series, it challenges our preconceptions of gender and spirituality.

Completing the lineup is Navonil Dutta from India with “Nature’s drama.” Dutta’s portfolio, featuring a striking sequence of a laggar falcon in action, impressed the jury with its technical precision and ability to capture the intensity of predator-prey dynamics in the wild.

From October 24, 2024, to March 9, 2025, these diverse portfolios will transform MUSEC’s Spazio Maraini into a kaleidoscope of contemporary photography. It’s a rare chance to see the world through fresh eyes — perhaps glimpse the future of the medium.

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Banner Image CreditGabriele D'Agostino