Hit Follow: The New York photographer creating playful abstractions

Bizarre bedroom scenes to deconstructed portraiture - Blaise Cepis is the New York based photographer to know creating playful abstractions and surreal glamour with “hopefully an obvious sense of humour.”

Blaise adds, “gratuitous opulent leisure, travel stories with friends and bulldogs relaxing in Zen-like scenarios,” would be a dream to capture next…

“I’m inspired by little stories and mini adventures with close friends,” he tells Hunger. “Like-minded people who are comfortable with themselves, and make my brain spin with panicked excitement at what we can make together and what comes next.”

“Oh and just to round out every shitty cliché of a ‘photographer living in Brooklyn’; I DJ a monthly party called “Adult Braces,” Cepis laughs. “With my good friend John McSwain based around 90’s alternative music.”

To find out more, follow Blaise on Instagram @itsalrightwerealright

TextEmma Firth
PhotographyBlaise Cepis. Used by permission.