Kanye West made more antisemitic remarks in unaired segment of Tucker Carlson interview

The rapper discussed a number of worrying racist conspiracy theories in the clips that have only been unearthed now.

Unaired segments of the interview between Kanye West and Fox News host Tucker Colson showed the rapper airing a series of comments based on racist conspiracy, adding to the piling backlash Ye is facing.

The artist and Carlson sat down for a two-part interview following the Paris Fashion Week controversy in which Ye drew heavy criticism for donning a “White Lives Matter” T-shirt. In the aired portion of the interview, Ye told Carlson that he thought wearing the shirt was “funny” and “obvious.” He also accused the Jewish son-in-law of former president Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, of negotiating Middle East peace “to make money.”

As reported by Motherboard, Ye detailed his belief in an unfounded and antisemitic conspiracy theory that Planned Parenthood was founded “to control the jew population”, in the unreleased footage. 

“When I say Jew, I mean … who the people known as the race Black really are [sic],” said West in another of the clips, echoing an unfounded theory frequently invoked by antisemites. “This is who our people are.”

Ye also complained that his children were attending a school that celebrates Kwanzaa, the African holiday in December, saying he preferred the Jewish Hanukkah. “I prefer my kids knew Hanukah than Kwanzaa – at least it will come with some financial engineering,” West said in another clip posted by Motherboard, apparently referencing another age-old antisemitic trope.

Ye reiterated that he was vaccinated against coronavirus despite previously condemning Covid-19 shots as being demonic and part of a plot to implant chips in people. Another saw him outline claims that someone planted fake children in his house to manipulate his own children.

WriterChris Saunders